what is evangelism?

Importance of Evangelism

What is evangelism? Evangelism is the declaration of the gospel, the good news about Jesus Christ. Victor Benavides defines  Evangelism as being, doing, and telling the gospel. What is evangelism? It is the communication of the gospel by saved people to lost people (Alvin Reid). Evangelism intends to bring about the reconciliation of the sinner to God the Father through Jesus Christ. Evangelism also is fulfilling The Great Commission of The Lord Jesus Christ to His disciples:

And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:18-20.

Approaches to evangelism

Every Christian must understand the importance of what is evangelism and announce the gospel as Jesus Christ commanded.
However, Evangelists are supernaturally invested people for evangelism.

Christian Evangelists are ministers supernaturally able to declare God’s word, convince of sin people from any background, and help them respond with faith to a life of righteousness in Christ Jesus.

The great commission


Inside each gospel book and the book of Acts, JESUS CHRIST explains to His disciples about His great commission:

Matthew 28:19-20; Mark16:15-16; Luke 24:47-48; John 20-21; Acts 1:8.

As we can read, JESUS CHRIST commanded His disciples to proclaim the gospel and make disciples of all nations.

It appears that:

  • Evangelism is not a suggestion to the disciples of Jesus-Christ, but a commission.
  • Unfortunately, the culture of evangelism as commanded by JESUS CHRIST is yet to be seen in most of the Christian world today.

Spiritually gifted Christian evangelists are expected to instruct and organize all believers for evangelism. They are skilled to help all believers (inside and outside their church denomination) fulfill JESUS CHRIST’s great commission.

What is real evangelism?

  • Evangelism is not for Evangelists only.
  • Evangelism is not just inviting people to a church or a religion.
  • Evangelism is not about increasing the number of members in our church denomination.
  • Inviting people to church or increasing the number of church members can only contribute to evangelism if this brings repentance and salvation to lost souls.

Therefore, Evangelism is the gospel’s communication by saved people to lost people by word and life in the power of the Holy Spirit, so that unbelievers become followers of JESUS CHRIST in HIS Church and culture (Alvin Red in Evangelism Handbook).

What is evangelism today?

Anointed Evangelists populate churches. The main challenge of The Evangelist today is to operate as an office.
An Independent Office of The Evangelist will not disconnect the evangelist from the rest of the ministry gifts and The Body of Christ.

Instead, there is a need for connection between the evangelist and the pastoral anointing, and/or The Apostolic anointing for new believers’ care and growth in Christ Jesus.

Evangelists need to be engaged in Evangelism. Some gifted evangelists who can’t operate as an independent office end up serving in a local church denomination and not Christ’s body as they are supposed to. Some Evangelists become local church pastors without the spiritual gift and the expertise they need to succeed in this different ministry.

Evangelists have uncommon skills to win souls to Christ. They need to be available to the global church community. Ephesians 4:11.



It is time to promote the Divine model of Leadership in the visible Church and connect compatible ministries. The establishment of the Divine Leadership in The Visible Church will precede a powerful manifestation of the Spirit of God on earth; A worldwide revival in our time.



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